Dealing with objections to your business energy supply switch

Switching energy suppliers can be a great way to cut costs for your business. By navigating the market when your current contracts come to an end, you can ensure that you are always finding the best deal out there for your energy supplies, which your current supplier is not always guaranteed to provide you with. Once you've made the decision to switch, it's common to experience a setback, known in the energy world as an 'objection', before your supplies can successfully move over.

What is an objection?

An energy switch objection means that your current energy supplier has rejected the transfer of your energy supply to a new supplier.

Objections help energy suppliers to manage any risks associated with the switch, ensuring that the switching process complies with their existing terms and conditions.

Why has my energy switch been objected to?

Energy suppliers can object to an energy switch for multiple reasons. These are the most common reasons:

Outstanding debt on the account:
You may have outstanding debt on the account with your current supplier. If this is the case, they will not allow you to switch suppliers until this has been paid off.

Fixed-term contracts: You may already be part of a fixed-term contract that has yet to reach its end date. If you need help finding out when your contract ends, you can either check your most recent energy bill or contact us, and we will be more than happy to help.

Customer request:
Someone (yourself or someone else who manages the energy contracts) may have contacted the supplier to block the switch.

Erroneous transfers:
An error, such as incorrect meter details, may have been detected during the switch.

Related meter points:
If your property has multiple associated supply numbers, they must be sold together. If they are not included in the switch, then the switch will be objected to, and you will need to renegotiate a new energy contract agreement.

My switch has been objected to. What's next?

Here is how the objection process typically works:

1.  Customer signs contract: You have agreed to a new business energy contract. The switching process has started.

2.  Switch request submission: Your new supplier will now submit a registration request to transfer your old account information to themselves.

3.  The current supplier is notified: Your current supplier is notified about the pending switch.

4.  Objection review window: Your current supplier will review your account to determine whether an objection is needed. Your current supplier must object within a specific deadline (7 working days for gas and six working days for electricity).

5.  Objection raised: If your current supplier decides an objection is necessary, it will now be raised.

6.  You and your new supplier will be notified: You can resolve the objection by working with your current supplier to determine why the switch has been objected to.

Can you switch suppliers if you have debt on your account?

If you have been in debt with your supplier for over 28 days, you can only switch once the debt is paid off. This does not stop you from comparing energy deals once you are in the renewal window for your current contract, usually six or fewer months before your contract end date. 

How to resolve energy switch objections

Find out why the switch was objected to. Your current supplier is required to tell you the reason for the objection. The most common reasons are debt on the account or fixed-term contracts that have not yet ended. You should firstly take action, for example if the switch was objected to because of debt on the account, then clear any unpaid balances. Once you have taken action, inform your supplier of the action taken and ask them to remove the objection.

Suppliers must only give valid reasons for the objection. These are outlined in their supply licence. Suppliers are also obligated to tell you the reason for the objection and to tell you how to resolve it. If you think you have received an unfair objection, you should file a complaint with your supplier's complaint team. If you have tried this and the issue is still unresolved, you should contact the energy ombudsman.

How can I switch suppliers?

The simplest way for business owners to switch their supply and get the best energy prices is by contacting our team of energy experts, who can provide you with the lowest prices on the market. All you need to do is get a quote, and a team member will contact you to talk you through the process and provide you with your quotes. Our dedicated admin team will be on hand throughout the process to handle any incoming objections, liaising with yourself and the supplier to get these resolved promptly and provide you with a stress-free switch.

What happens if you fail to pay your energy bills?

If you don't pay your energy bills, you will get into debt with your supplier. Your account could then be handed over to a debt recovery agency, and your energy supply may be cut off. Disconnection is usually the last resort for suppliers, which could occur if you do not work out a way to deal with the debt within 30 days of your missed payment. Not only will your supply be disconnected, but there is usually a disconnection charge and then another reconnection charge when your supply gets reconnected. If you think your energy bills are wrong, don't hesitate to contact us at or call us on 0161 521 3400, and we will gladly look into this for you. 

How can Purely Energy help?

If you have any queries about energy switch objections or would like help lowering your energy costs, contact us at 0161 521 3400 or email us at Alternatively, get a quick quote.

This Article was written by Megan Glover of Purely Energy. If there are any suggestions or questions - Please get in touch with us.

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