DCiE (%):
Carbon Footprint (per hour):
Energy Cost (per hour):
PUE & DCiE Ranking
Use this table to see how your calculated PUE/DCiE compares to typical efficiency levels.
PUE | Level of Efficiency | DCiE |
3.0 | Very Inefficient | 33% |
2.5 | Inefficient | 40% |
2.0 | Average | 50% |
1.5 | Efficient | 67% |
1.2 | Very Efficient | 83% |
Trend Analysis (Placeholder)
Efficiency Trend Graph (Coming Soon)
Carbon Footprint Trend Graph (Coming Soon)
Energy Cost Over Time Graph (Coming Soon)
Export & Reporting (Placeholder)
Future enhancements will allow exporting results to CSV/PDF, generating efficiency reports, and more.